So you are starting to hear about all of the negative side effects that are caused by the chemicals in your food, air, household & beauty products, etc and you want to begin making changes. But the thought of it quickly becomes overwhelming.
Let’s get right down to it and start with the most important thing to remember as you begin the process of cleaning out your home:
Practice my golden rule of good/better/best/optimal. Meaning, you don’t have to go throw out everything in a weekend and spend thousands of dollars on the right stuff. You need to make sure your next choice is better than the one prior.
When I started the purge, the perfectionist in me wanted to have it all done in a day otherwise I was failing the mission to live a clean, non-toxic lifestyle. Wrong! As long as you are taking some form of action each and every day, you WILL begin to see the space around you cleaner- which means YOU will begin to feel better.
Another thing: let knowledge drive you. Soak it all in. Be curious. When you hear that a particular cleaning product is bad for you, ask why and do research. When you begin to understand what those products are doing to your central nervous system, respiratory system, immune system and everything in between…you naturally start making better decisions. It’s a no brainer because you have a real reason behind what you are doing. You have your why.
Ok…so you’re ready to get down to it. But if you’re anything like me…you love lists to stay organized and on task. To make the process easier for you, I have created a free guide to help get you started. This will walk you through what products to ditch and what to replace it with. The list is broken down into categories which makes it super simple to choose one category each month (or week if you’re speedy) and start making those swaps!
Go ahead and click HERE to download the free guide and start your journey to cleaner and healthier living. Let me know what you think and show me the progress you make as you go along by tagging me on Insta @themichellelynnlynch. Happy Swapping!
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